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"Book Your Healing Journey Reading with
Katrina Love Senn"

"Are You Ready To Move Forward
in Life with Clarity and Confidence?"

Hi, I'm Katrina Love Senn.

If you are interested in moving forward in your life with clarity and confidence, this could be one of the most important messages you ever read... 

  • Would you like to discover a natural way to lose weight?

  • Have you dieted in the past only to gain the weight back again?

  • Do you suspect there is more to losing weight than just counting calories?

  • Do you ever emotionally eat and not know the reason why?

  • Are you ready to end the struggle with your weight?

  • If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then please keep reading... 

    For what I am about to share with you could change your life forever...

    Katrina Love Senn

    Author, Coach and Healing Guide.

    What is a Healing Journey Reading?

    Each Healing Journey Reading session begins with an energetic assessment of the specific issue you wish to address.

    Healing Journey Readings are more than just guidance—they are inspirational experiences that work with both your body and mind. Even long-standing issues can be addressed quickly and effectively, making significant changes in your life feasible.

    These sessions are a gentle yet powerful blend of coaching, alignment, energy clearing, and intuitive guidance, specifically designed to help you align more closely with your spiritual and creative aspirations.

    Through a combination of mind-body healing tools such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching, oracle cards, meditation, pendulum work, breath work, somatic bodywork, energy release work, and stress release techniques, we will identify and release any mental, emotional, or energetic blocks standing in the way.

    You will gain deep insights, inspiration, and new perspectives, leaving the session with clarity, confidence, conviction, and the courage to make informed decisions for your life..

    Who Are the Healing Journey Reading For?

    Healing Journey Readings are designed for women who aspire to live a more spiritual, creative, and intuitive life. Ideal for those seeking inspiration and guidance to connect deeply with their calling, gifts, and true life purpose, these sessions are tailored to help support you embrace your unique path and be true to yourself and your dreams.

  • A Breakthrough Healing Session Is Right For You If:


    • Breakthrough Healing Session is perfect for you if you are ready to lose weight. You want to feel excited about life again and feel happy and healthy within your own body.


    • You understand that there is more to losing weight than just counting calories. You want to move away from fad diets and quick-fixes to a sustainable and holistic way to losing weight and feeling great!


    • You are ready to start putting your own needs first by investing in the things that bring you joy and fulfilment. 


    • You understand that it is very difficult to heal on your own and you are looking for a kind, loving and supportive healing guide. A guide who has gone on her own healing journey and understands the challenges you are facing.


    • You have been drawn to certain numbers, spiritual books and teachings. You have been having lots of synchronicities lately and want to live more intuitiely.


    • You understand that 'Losing Weight is a Healing Journey' and you are ready to take the next step.

    What's Included With Your Breakthrough Healing Session?

    90 Minute Breakthrough Healing Session (on Zoom)

    A Breakthrough Healing Session with Katrina Love Senn will help you to release old patterns, blocks and fears so that you can go after your dreams.

    Katrina works very intuitively, supporting you to release mental and emotional stress, in a kind, loving and compassionate way. These sessions can help release old patterns that are at the root of most weight struggles. 

    Personalised Notes From Breakthrough Healing Session (PDF) 

    Katrina will take notes during your Breakthrough Healing Session that will be emailed to you after the session. These notes will help you to be to reflect upon your session and your breakthroughs any time in the future.

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • 30 Minute After Care Session (For Use Within 72 Hours)

    Katrina offers an optional complimentary 30 minute after-care session, to help you integrate your healing session. This will give you a chance to share insights from your healing process and have any additional questions answered.  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • Healing Meditations For Weight Loss Program

    Healing Meditations for Weight Loss is a complete 7 day meditation program includes both morning and evening meditations. This program will help you to create inspiring new thoughts and beliefs to support you on your weight loss healing journey.

     Value $97.00  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • Healing Meditations For Emotional Eating

    Healing Meditations for Emotional Eating is a complete 7 day meditation program includes both morning and evening meditations. This program will help you to release the patterns at the root of Emotional Eating.

     Value $97.00  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • What Other Women Are Saying

    Here is what other women are saying about Katrina's Breakthrough Healing Sessions.


    "In my amazing and profound breakthrough session, I was able to release a HUGE emotional blockage that had seen me binge eating ever since I can remember.

    I had tried everything to stop the sugar addiction and overeating but nothing lasted. It has been two months now (and yes ladies that means two periods too) and I have not touched a bar of chocolate or even smelt a cake let alone eat one.

    Is this magic? I like to think so because I have a great imagination but it's all down to Katrina helping me remove a blockage that I could not do alone.

    Katrina is always smiling and always seeing the positive and she can help you become the best version of yourself.

    ~ Serenity L (United Kingdom) ~


    "I AM living my dream and I am so very very proud of myself.

    But it would not have been possible without Katrina. She really did change my life.

    She played a significant role in my healing journey and made me realise that the life that you dream of really is possible when your courage is greater than your fears!"

    ~ Charlotte H (Hong Kong) ~


    "The Breakthrough Healing Session that we did together was the starting point for my healing journey and the journey to myself in a life with more and more inner freedom and peace.

    This year will be very exciting as I want to start my work as a Coach and Practitioner.

    Katrina your healing work is so valuable and important!"

    ~ Alexandra M (Germany) ~


    "My Breakthrough Healing Session was wonderful.

    Releasing that old, stuck energy and emotion helped me a lot and I left feeling excited about how I can develop my work.

    Katrina does her healing work in such a kind and thoughtful way. I also love that she likes a giggle. It really made our healing session feel fun, as well as profound."

    ~ Sally W (United Kingdom) ~


    "I feel so much happier since my Breakthrough Healing Session... and I do love the feeling of being happy!

    I think you are the most amazing person I have met. You have had an incredible journey yourself, but to see you now, you are SO strong, SO caring, SO thoughtful, beautiful, kind, giving… I could go on and on…

    Thank you enough for all your help, support and belief in me. I am ready to change my old thoughts forever…"

    ~ Sally W (United Kingdom) ~


    "Katrina is a deeply loving and beautiful healer.

    She is hugely giving and very intuitive. After my Breakthrough Healing Session I felt that all the different parts of me had a voice and were heard. I felt a new energy flowing and new possibilities around me.

    I felt supported to take action. It feels like someone is on my side, cheering me on, seeing the positive stuff I have to offer."

    ~ Laura S (London) ~

    Your Investment

    Receive an extra $95 in bonuses when you book
    your Breakthrough Healing Session!

    Breakthrough Healing Session

    NOT - $997


    SAVE 49%

    What's included:

  • 90 Minute Breakthrough Healing Session

  • PDF Document of Personalised Session Notes

  • 30 Minute After-Care Session (For Use Within 48 hours)

  • Healing Meditations For Weight Loss

  • Healing Meditations For Emotional Eating

  • Special FREE Bonuses!

    Katrina's Weight Loss Story (Audio Recording)

    Special Bonus #1

    Listen to Katrina share her weight loss healing story. She reveals how she lost over 60 pounds naturally and how she has kept it off for well over 10 years now...

    Running time: 30 mins.

     Value $29.95  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • The Power of Belief (Audio Class)

    Special Bonus #2

    Listen to Katrina being interviewed by health and wellness expert Steph Gariano on the important role that our beliefs have on the weight loss healing journey.

    Running time: 80 mins

     Value $19.95  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • Katrina's Weight Loss Recipes (eBook)

    Special Bonus #3

    Katrina's Weight Loss Recipes includes 44 Fast and Fabulous recipes for natural weight loss and healing.

    In this eBook Katrina shares easy to prepare recipes that she used to transform her health and her waistline.

    Perfect for anyone looking for healthy food inspiration!

     Value $19.95 

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • 25 Healing Affirmations For Weight Loss (eBook)

    Special Bonus #4

    25 Healing Affirmations For Weight Loss is filled with a beautiful and unique collection of healing affirmations to uplift and inspire you on your weight loss journey.

    Great for whenever you need a fresh dose of positivity, encouragement and support.

     Value $14.95  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • 25 Healing Affirmations For Emotional Eating (eBook)

    Special Bonus #5

    25 Healing Affirmations For Weight Loss is filled with a beautiful and unique collection of healing affirmations to uplift and inspire you on your weight loss journey.

    Great for whenever you need a fresh dose of positivity, encouragement and support.

     Value $14.95  

  • FREE! ~ Included with your Breakthrough Healing Session.

  • Meet Katrina Love Senn

    Katrina Love Senn is a best selling author, coach and healing guide.

    She inspires women just like you to start their weight loss healing journey's, build self-confidence and go after their dreams.

    She has helped over 10,000+ women start through her articles, books, meditation programs and retreats.

    She has written two ground breaking books Losing Weight is a Healing Journey and Heal Emotional Eating for Good.

    Katrina has taught her unique Healing Hatha Yoga Classes and Retreats all over the world.

    Including beautiful places like the Greek Islands, Italy, Sardinia, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and Bali.

    Katrina has been featured on Sky TV, Natural Health magazine and High Spirit magazine.

    She is also a regular contributor for popular wellness blogs MindBodyGreen, Elephant Journal and Food Matters.

    She is a natural intuitive and has a fun, warm and heart-centred approach to living and life. 

    She infuses her teaching with inspiration, love and encouragement.

    Your Questions Answered

  • Before Your Breakthrough Healing Session

  • What should I bring to my Breakthrough Healing Session?

    Wear comfortable clothes and bring lots of water to drink. Also, a pen and paper for any notes that you may wish to take.

    If you want to bring a favorite crystal, burn incense or light a candle, that would be a lovely addition to the session, but totally optional. 

  • What should I do before my Session?

    Take some time before the session to get a clear idea of what you want to work with during our time together.  This will help you to get the most out of our time together.

  • Do I need to fast or eat certain foods before my Session?

    There is no need to change your eating habits before the session, unless you feel intuitively guided to do so.

  • I'm on medication. Can I still book a Session?

    Please contact Katrina before you book your session to discuss whether a Breakthrough Healing Session is right for you.

  • During Your Breakthrough Healing Session

  • What happens during a Breakthrough Healing Session?

    You will start the session with an initial conversation about what you would like to work on releasing and healing in the session. 

    During the session Katrina will help you to gently release old stories, limiting patterns and negative beliefs that have been holding you back.

    You will leave the session feeling lighter, more connected and aligned with your true self. 

    What Healing Tools Does Katrina Use?

    Katrina works intuitively and uses a variety of energetic and mind-body healing tools in her sessions.

    Including breath work, meditations, tapping, visualisations, affirmations, shaking, body work and energy work.

  • How do old emotions release from the body?

    You can expect any old, stuck emotions to be released from your body during your session. This typically occurs through a combination of tears, laughter and even yawning. 

  • How is the session conducted?

    This session is Katrina’s signature work. It is conducted via zoom and will take approximately 90 minutes.

  • After Your Breakthrough Healing Session

  • What should I do after my Breakthrough Healing Session?

    It is ideal if you can schedule some quiet time to yourself to fully integrate the session. Continue to drink lots of water, avoiding alcohol and stimulants for at least 24 hours.

    If possible, take an epsom salt bath in the evening. Many clients tell me that they find it helpful to journal or meditate on all the new insights that emerged during the session.

    Within 7 days of the session, it is suggested that you take 20 minutes to write down the new story of your life and email this over to Katrina. This healing exercise sends your healing intention out into the world.

    It will act like a powerful declaration for what you are claiming and reclaiming in your life!

  • How will I feel after my Breakthrough Healing Session?

    Each session is completely unique! So, everyone will have their own experience after the session.

    However, in general, people report feeling lighter, more connected, more joyful and aligned with their true self.

    Leading to them feeling more confident and ready to take the next step in their healing journey.

    To help integrate the session, you will have immediate access to a variety of gentle healing tools within the Membership site.

  • How can I stay on track after my Healing Session?

    As part of your Breakthrough healing session purchase you will be given instant access to Katrina’s beautiful 7 day healing meditation programs.

    It is recommended that you use both these meditation programs after the Breakthrough Healing Session to help support and guide you on your healing journey.

  • Should I read your books before our Session?

    It is not necessary to read my books before our session.

    I have had clients that have read my books before and after our session with equal benefit.

    You will pick up new and interesting insights each time you read them.

  • My Invitation To You

    If you have read this far I know that you are ready for a fresh start.

    What I discovered on my own weight loss journey, was that my excess weight was an invitation to heal.

    And become the person that I knew in my heart that I was capable of becoming. Buried underneath my extra layers were my unfulfilled hopes and hidden dreams.

    Deep down I knew, if I was just willing to take the first step, I would attract the support that I needed to succeed.

    And that's exactly what happened.

    Despite all the frustration that I experienced from being sick, tired and overweight, I found the courage to make a new choice.

    I released all of the things that had become too heavy and tiresome to hold. Including my old thinking and emotional patterns. 

    My pain became my greatest teacher.

    I healed my weight challenges.

    And now I want to inspire you to go on your own weight loss journey.

    All you need to do is accept my invitation.

    You are worthy.

    You are good enough.

    It’s your time to shine brightly now!

    From my own experience, I know that making changes is not always easy, but it is most definitely worth while!

    From my heart to yours, wishing you many many blessings.

  • ps.
     It is possible to lose weight and regain your health and happiness.

    I'm living proof and I want to show you how!